Unethical marketing practices on social media web-sites has backfired…badly. As in all marketing situations, it pays to have integrity. While much of social networking is out of your hands, there's loads of factors that you can control that will keep you out of the hot seat.
The first thing that you must always keep in mind when you embark on a social network marketing campaign is that you're joining a community. As with any community, business has its rightful place, but it does not have the right to invade people's privacy. In your face, non-targeted, spam marketing will get you nowhere in a hurry.
Most social network marketers use web-sites like FaceBook & MySpace to try to drive traffic to another web-site. While it's perfectly ethical to use social networking web-sites to spread a message to people who are genuinely interested, loads of people game the system with auto-friend adding programs & spam messages & bulletins. Again, anything non-targeted & spammy won't help your reputation.
Thankfully, social networking web-sites are becoming wise to these practices & are effectively weeding out & banning offenders.
As you begin to publish more content on these web-sites, try to avoid direct marketing platitudes. For success, your content will need to be of genuine value & interest to other users. Also, never mislead potential clients. Don't overdue your titles to try & lure clicks from visitors.
As mentioned earlier, to use such web-sites as a marketing tool with integrity you need to participate as a member of the community. Get involved in groups that are related to your area, contribute, communicate & make friends that are genuinely interested in what you have to say & what you have to sell.
Also, when contributing in social networking web-sites, never use it as an opportunity to unfairly criticize competitors or their products. Don't point out shortfalls. Point out what makes you different.
For example, instead of leaving a post on a blog pretending to be a consumer recommending your web-site or product, be up front about it. Explain that the product or web-site is yours & how it's relevant to the discussion. People will finally see through dishonest marketing methods, even if they don't right away. & four mistake could cost your reputation.
Since social network marketing can be seen as a form of publishing, be aware of online copyright issues. Read up on the basics of media law & know the potential dangers when it comes to defamation, invasion of privacy & intellectual property, & copyright infringement.
there's no hard & speedy rules governing ethical behavior in social network marketing. Most communities are self regulated. So, be on your best behavior & you shouldn't have any problems.