Can you guess what the big buzz at last network marketing? Social networks! Let me explain why, but let things started. At the beginning there was MySpace and Facebook, the two big social network is enormous. Distribution network with them about their chances on the market, on this page. It is a great opportunity, in most cases free of charge, even if the members of the networks have not completely objective.
However, the value of marketing on MySpace and Facebook is fast. This is due to the massive release of new opportunities and to social networks. The fact is that this year, but have seen a growing number of professionals in the social networks for the marketing of the network and the introduction of more and more popular. You mention a few:, Zenzuu, Friendswin, Yuwie and Wowzza. A couple are older Direct MatchWords AdlandPro also Ryze. Honestly, I would not even a little surprised that a little more this year - and this is how you are! It is also clear why it is so popular among traders in the network, because there is no better advertisement for the advertising. The exhibition of the company, product or system to other dealers in the network is simply the most effective means to do this. If you are a network of marketing, already the foot in the door and have a little knowledge of the industry and your company can help. However, if a person accidentally MySpace and its companies are not so valuable for you, no doubt, because most do not know what they are doing or what network marketing is.
So when asked distribution network the possibility of participating in a social network of networks by operators is not even close. Straight to the reason why I said "almost" ... This is because not all merchants in the network have the power of social networks, or even how well the use of social networks to build their business. But the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their businesses to other than the heads of the people is very important and profitable for the majority. The old kind of network marketing came, and I see the future hold tight for social marketing professionals in social networks. But many of these new social networks and provides incentives for those who join. These range from the distribution of income, membership fees for the direct and various plans to pay MLM. Thanks to this support for these new social networks, the companies know that a greater awareness of the issue and they deserve.